In collaboration with the artisans, the end users of the traditional bridge saws, the department of research and development at Helios Automazioni has created Xtouch.
Xtouch is the perfect combination between theory and practice, between what can be created and what can be used. We find the same passion, which led Helios' engineers to create Xtouch, in the users.


Xtouch offers easy and intuitive ways to do what you do every day. And much, much more.


A series of applications make your bridge-saw ready, precise and fast.

Smart innovation

From observing daily operators actions while using their traditional bridge saws, our engineers have developed a software, which does not dramatically change their daily work, but simply improves it, making it less hard, more enjoyable and more efficient. Furthermore, a series of applications contribute to organize their cut list management in the best way possible and to optimize materials' resources.

Make the head rotate

Shortcuts fot the automaticc rotation of the cutting head allow a quick positioning of the disc, with production times over 50% shorter than with traditional systems.

EnJoystick the laser

Thanks to its interactive management, Xtouch makes even complicated manual cuts easy. With the laser, you can quickly choose the cutting position and by activating only the "interpolated joystick" lever, the disc cuts marking its direction automatically.

Touch the screen

That it is new, you can see it immediatelyt. It is a completely different experience and you will discover it as soon as you start using it. You will use Xtouch on the new LCD Monitor in HD installed on the machine. The 19" touch screen display offer an accurate design and high level performnce standards.

Many APPlications

Xtouch provides the operstors with powerful programming tools, which are easy to control. They are called APP: they make set up easy, asking the operator only the necessary information needed for the correct execution of the work.

App Multiple Linear Cut

Just a click for multiple cuts

It allows to quickly set up parallel cuts in one direction. Programming many cuts with just one click is a great ease of Xtouch, taking into account that with short programming times your bridge saw is ready for a complete cutting cycle.

Click and cut.

"Automatic Start" automatically sets your bridge saw's parameters taking into consideration the table collision quote. The operator is only asked to enter the number of pieces to cut and their size.

Take a break.

“Stop & Go” allows you to pause a work in real time. At any time, you can restart the cutting cycle without repositioning or setting any work's starting point.

Choose freely.

“Set Real Time” allows you to manage the cutting length in real time. During a work, the operator can change the cutting parameters without interrupting the working cycle, , then obtaining time saving benefits.

You decide when to set it up.

To avoid useless wastes of time, it is possible to enter the first cut and while the machine is performing it, you can keep on setting parameters for following cuts.

App Combined Linear Cut

Square off pieces, it is possible with a click.

It intuitively manages the set up of parallel cuts in two different directions. How many times do you need to make square cuts? APP CLC makes this kind of cut easy, asking the number of pieces and their size.

Click and square off.

«Automatic Start» automatically sets all the machine's parameters for this kind of work. Everything is computed, including the parameters of the disc you want to use.

Stop and then... Go!

“Stop & Go” allows you to pause and restart your work interactively during all the cutting cycles.

Don't waste your time

“Set Real Time” allows you to manage cutting lengths in real time. This means that the operator can change cutting parameters without interrupting the work.

Be quiet, the pause is planned

“Combined Cuts Pause” allows you to pre-set a pause between the two cuting directions. The machine automatically pauses after completing the first cutting cycle. Only a click is needed to restart the work.

App "Calibration"


With the "Calibration" APP you can calibrate a slab without the use of a drawing. Setting the work's length, the height and the rate, your bridge saw is ready for the calibration of the slab.

App Macro

Cut it, don't draw.

Cutting complicated shapes has never been so easy. Choose the drawing and place the macros on the picture of the slab with a click.

Don't imagine it, shoot.

Take a picture to the slab. Thanks to the exclusive HD camera you will get high resolution pictures to place the macros on. The tuning with Xtouch allows you to set up the position where you want to process the cut, without the use of measurement tools.

The Macro draws for you.

Choose among many pre-set parametric shapes and Xtouch will draw it for you. From the simplest to the hardest shape, they are all just a click away. A preview of the macro allows you to quickly recognize your desired shape.

Import drawings from CAD.

Import drawings created with a CAD to place them directly on the picture of the slab. This allows you to quickly and visually place drawings on the desired point for the work.

Don't waste, organize.

How much waste material is produced by a cutting process? And why wasting when you can organize? Yes, with a touch you can move, rotate and align pieces on the slab, avoiding useless waste of material. Furthermore, you can choose the cutting sequence with the innovative "Free cut", which manages the changes in the cutting sequence in real time.

Materials, too many defects.

You can avoid material's defects by placing macros directly on the picture of the slab, in order to check possible breaks or flaws.

Pauses in freedom.

Presetting pauses during the set up you will no longer have the problem of staying on the side of the machine to check the cutting cycle. The machine will automatically stop and wait until you give the "ok" to restart the work.

Move your fingers, not the pieces.

Don't interrupt the cutting cycle to move the pieces. With Robo-Move's interactive management you can move them with a click. Preset the movements of the pieces, it will process them automatically.

More and more gifted for foreign languages.

Thanks to new system fonts and input modes, Xtouch is now translated in several languages. From Chinese to Russian, passing from the European languages.